Welcome to my new blog! This is the place where you can find all the in's and out's about this site but also about the current projects. I will keep you updated about changes I make to the site and what they do.
I would like to answer a generic question and it is: Why do you use a separate site for your omsi mods?
The site gives me the opportunity to show all the information that is required for a mod on a single page. All the pictures, video's, text, files, patches and comments. It is presented in a nice and styled layout and gives the viewer an easy overview.
All the files are stored at "my" own server. You understand that I don't have an own server running 24/7 so it is hosted via web service Weebly, which provides me an unlimited amount of storage (for as far as I know it is unlimited) and also a stable download speed, even when 100 people are downloading at the same time. Weebly also allows me to make a professional website without coding. Not that I don't know anything about coding, but this platform gives me way more features with less time spending.
You might also noticed something else, the site doesn't has any ad's. That's right. I don't want to make any money on stuff that I make.
I also get loads of mails with requests, and I need you to understand the following: I'm also a person who has things to do other than omsi. And the time that I spend on omsi, is time where I do things that I like. I'm working on Bronsmeer whenever I feel like it. I make a repaint when I want to drive with that repaint. Yes, it is a bit selfish. But in the end, I make stuff for myself to use, and sometimes share it with you. I have loads of stuff in omsi that I have never released. Mod's, repaint's, map's. But I just wanted to keep those things for my self or I just didn't want 100 messages about strange error's that I don't get when using it. I hope you will understand that.
So that's it for now, I will sometimes post something here, so keep an eye on it :-).
I would like to answer a generic question and it is: Why do you use a separate site for your omsi mods?
The site gives me the opportunity to show all the information that is required for a mod on a single page. All the pictures, video's, text, files, patches and comments. It is presented in a nice and styled layout and gives the viewer an easy overview.
All the files are stored at "my" own server. You understand that I don't have an own server running 24/7 so it is hosted via web service Weebly, which provides me an unlimited amount of storage (for as far as I know it is unlimited) and also a stable download speed, even when 100 people are downloading at the same time. Weebly also allows me to make a professional website without coding. Not that I don't know anything about coding, but this platform gives me way more features with less time spending.
You might also noticed something else, the site doesn't has any ad's. That's right. I don't want to make any money on stuff that I make.
I also get loads of mails with requests, and I need you to understand the following: I'm also a person who has things to do other than omsi. And the time that I spend on omsi, is time where I do things that I like. I'm working on Bronsmeer whenever I feel like it. I make a repaint when I want to drive with that repaint. Yes, it is a bit selfish. But in the end, I make stuff for myself to use, and sometimes share it with you. I have loads of stuff in omsi that I have never released. Mod's, repaint's, map's. But I just wanted to keep those things for my self or I just didn't want 100 messages about strange error's that I don't get when using it. I hope you will understand that.
So that's it for now, I will sometimes post something here, so keep an eye on it :-).