Hello, sorry that I've didn't did much past month. But I'm happy to say that it's going in to the right direction! I've finished line 342 that drives from Zuiderwaard via IJsseldam to Heeringen (not via Bronsmeer). Today I've also finished the route of line 125 that will drive from veerdal to heeringen, Overhuizen, Droosden and Bronsmeer. This will be the only line that serves Droosden (in v1 served by line 131). The driving time is 27 minutes. Underneath the images you find some important information! Here the image's of today's work | Zo, na een tijdje zonder update's.... een update! (dat was wel heel slecht :p) Ik heb gisteren veel gewerkt aan lijn 125 die vanaf veerdal naar heeringen, overhuizen, droosden rijd om uiteindelijk in bronsmeer aan te komen. Die lijn is nog niet af, wel heb ik al een tijd rit gedaan die mij verteld dat de verwachte reistijd zo'n 26 minuten bedraagd. Ook heb ik in de vakantie lijn 342 gemaakt. Deze R-net lijn rijdt van Heeringen via IJsseldam (niet via Bronsmeer) en Liswoudde naar Zuiderwaard NS. Hier zijn de foto's: |
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Thanks to Steven who made a lot of dutch buildings, I've decided to re-build the Centre of Bronsmeer. It's not done yet but you get a feeling how it will be if it's finished. And to make the driving more fun, I make the steets narrower =D Met dank aan Steven die heel veel Nederlandse gebouwen heefd gemaakt heb ik besloten het Centrum van Bronsmeer te herbouwen. Het is nog niet af maar je krijgt wel een indruk hoe het wordt. Ook maak ik de straten smaller zodat het rijden nog leuker en uitdagender wordt =D Line 124 from Heeringen to ZuiderwaardLine 128 from IJsseldam to LiswouddeI received many questions about the release dates of the 2 current projects. I will explain here why, what and when.
Fist the omsi international airport map. This map was for me more a test project. At this stage. I'm not have planned any further progress. Than Bronsmeer 2 The routes are mostly finished, but there are many bugs in the track and trips. Laying out of that track and trips cost many hours of work. And because they are bugged. It's mostly a time wasting job. So that decides me to put Bronsmeer on a hold for now. When omsi 2 is released. I will continue with building because it's than way more easier to layout the tracks so when there are bugs in the tracks. They can be fixed fast. I will try one more time to get the tracks done. So with a bit of luck the release can be soon but if it isn't going well, it will be after the release of omsi 2 (Q3) and I think also only compatible with omsi 2. I hope I've given some clarity about the current progress. Questions can be asked down in the commen ![]() Hello people! I present you today, Omsi International Airport. My new map project in Omsi. It is an fictive map based at Schiphol/Amsterdam Airport. It will be an big International Airport with some big (own) buildings. I started the project today so don't expect an almost done map. Line'sThere will be several shuttle line's between the terminal and the parking area's but also between the terminal and some hotels. Beside that there also ride's some normal bus services over the airport area. ObjectsThe map also gonna include some own made objects and buildings. 2 of them are done. The main terminal and a parking garage. Some more planned buildings are: Hotel's, Parking area entrance, office buildings, street signs. For now It's an starting project but I don't expect an long development time. My hope is to release the map at the end of January. This is an personal deadline! Till now I only need a few people that can help me with:
Alpha tester: If you want to become an alpha tester, please read the following text. I search alpha testers that can speak English or Dutch, Created an map by them selfs. Are familiar with the following modding skills: Repainting, Map-making and texture editing (All 3!) and like it to help with this project. So I don't want people that can only repaint or if you only had edited an map or only helped with an map. I search people who are skilled. And keep in mind: An alpha tester helps the development of the project. Alpha testers also gonna help with building the map. Beta testers are needed when the map is at 90% progress. So here are the screens, I hope you like it! Tada :D You can view it here: ![]()
Something I didn't like in V1 of the map was the route map. I like to make good quality add-ons but that was one of the things that was just made fast without things like distance between stops. So I decided to make a new one. But with good quality! I've used the national color style for this type of maps and used an big screenshot of the map to fit the distances. It will be an vector image so you don't see pixels (even at the highest zoom level). I'm at this moment busy with it so you will see more update's in the next hours. Update 20:30 Update 21:19
Status projects:
Bronsmeer 2.0
Omsi International Airport
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